
Inside Canyon art

Twenty-five artists will open their studio’s for the Laguna Canyon

Artists’ annual Holiday Studio Event out in the canyon from noon to 5

p.m. tomorrow and Sunday.

Art lovers can experience working studios, artworks in the making

and previously created pieces.

“It’s really exciting because we’ve added so many new artists this

year,” said Marsh Scott, artist and event organizer. “You can

discover new artists, add to your collection, find one of a kind

gifts and explore working studios.”

There’s a lot of well-known talent to see. Some of the artists are

world renowned, while others are esteemed nationally and locally.

There is every type of art medium represented -- photography,

glassblowing, oil paintings, Plein Air, bronzes, textiles,

sculptures, acrylics, watercolor, ink paintings, sketches and more.

Laguna Canyon Artists are the individual working studios of the

artists, at 3251, 3275, 21062 and 21080 Laguna Canyon Road.

For more information about the event or the artists, go online to or call Marsh Scott at 494-8672.

The event is free and the studio’s are two miles up from Main

Beach on Laguna Canyon Road or one mile down from El Toro Road on

Laguna Canyon Road.
