
SHE IS Helping people have a...


Helping people have a good time.


Aiding Spiderman, Batman and other super heroes is only part of

her job -- she also has to help less savory characters such as the

devil, prisoners and all sorts in between. Ashley Ballard, 19, said

she loves every second of her job helping customers at Party America

find the perfect Halloween costume.

“I greet customers and help them locate what they need,” Ballard

said. “It’s cool. With the position I have, I get to speak to every

customer, help them find what they are looking for, and also give


The store has been packed since the onset of the spookiest holiday


“Halloween is so fun, helping the kids and customers with their

costumes,” Ballard said.


The store allows customers to try on their prospective disguises

to check the fit and to make sure they’re happy.

There is a wide selection to choose from, but the merchandise is

moving quickly.

“Anything you want to be we have,” Ballard said. “We have cinema

makeup and I demonstrate it, like a Latex broken bone and adding

makeup and blood to make it look very real.”

One of her favorite parts of her job is applying fake wounds on

the kids and seeing their excitement.

Ballard said they get to dress up on the job, which is a lot of


This year, an angel, Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White have

been some of the more popular characters for girls, while Spiderman,

Batman, Superman and ninja costumes are favored by boys.

“I was dressed up as Snow White, and a 4-year-old girl came up to

me and said, ‘Aren’t you supposed to be at Disneyland right now?’”

Ballard said.


Besides helping with Halloween costumes, Ballard helps customers

for any celebrated occasion or holiday.

“I assist costumers and help them plan for a party, help give them

different options,” Ballard said. “I always ask if they need

anything. I know I am doing my job right when they leave with a

smile. I love my job.”

Ballard applied for the job because she has always liked planning

parties. She feels like part of a family at work and she loves the

people and the environment.

-- Story by Suzie Harrison,

photo by Sean Hiller
