
Banners are OK, but graphic anti-abortion pictures are not

Melinda Paullins

As for the planes being able to fly over Huntington Beach, I say

“yes” to the advertising banners -- not the anti-abortion banners.

I do not see the problem with the advertising planes flying over

the beach during the summer. We consider the advertising as part of

the atmosphere at the beach. However, the anti-abortion planes are


If the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform wants to express their point

of view in words that is fine, but the pictures they fly are

unacceptable. Over the past several years, the movie and television

industries have been required to rate the movies/programs, so parents

have the opportunity to make the decision on whether they are

appropriate for viewing by their children.

When these gross pictures fly over the beach and city, there is no

opportunity to restrict your child’s viewing. The Center for

Bio-Ethical Reform says restricting them from flying their banners is

a violation of their 1st Amendment rights. How about those of us who

do not want to look at these graphic pictures? The Center for

Bio-Ethnical Reform is violating my rights.

Words can express their point of view as well, or better, than the

gross pictures. Overall, the graphic pictures are unacceptable and I

don’t think The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is receiving any

positive support for their point of view.

People are repulsed by the pictures and the pictures become the

issue and not the point of view the organization. The planes can keep

flying, but there should be guidelines on what is on the banners.

* MELINDA PAULLINS is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute

to “Sounding Off” e-mail us [email protected] or fax us at (714)

