
Alex Peterson, son of Gayle and...

Alex Peterson, son of Gayle and Richard Peterson of Huntington

Beach and a 1999 graduate of Huntington Beach High School, was

invited in his junior year at UC Irvine to join Phi Beta Kappa. This

prestigious honor society selects only 2% of college juniors

nationwide ....Candice Ishiawa, a Huntington Beach resident and 2002

graduate of Edison High School, enrolled at Simmons College, which is

a nationally recognized, small, predominantly women’s college in

Boston, Mass ....David A. Sanchez, a 2000 graduate of Huntington

Beach High School, son of Cathy Sanchez of Huntington Beach, is an

Air Force Airman and has graduated from basic military training at

Lackman Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.... Lucas P. Cottrell, son

of Pat R. and Camilla S. Cottrell of Huntington Beach, has graduated

from the Army ROTC National Advanced Leadership Camp at Fort Lewis,

Tacoma, WA....

* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach

Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, fax it to 965-7174 or

e-mail it to
