
City communications director retires

Jose Paul Corona

After spending nearly 30 years with the city, Richard Barnard, the

city’s director of communications has announced his retirement

effective Friday.

Barnard said he had been thinking about taking part in the city’s

early retirement incentive program for some time and finally made the

decision a couple of weeks ago.

“I’ve been here a long time,” Barnard said. “It just was the right

time to make the move.”

Barnard was hired in December of 1973 as an intern and moved on to

a position as a planning aide in the planning department. He spent

five years there before moving over to administration where he held

several positions including administrative assistant, assistant to

the city administrator and deputy city administrator.

He has run HBTV-3, the city’s cable television station, and acted

as the city’s communications director since 1999.

While Friday will mark his last day as the city’s director of

communications, Barnard will be back at work next week on a part-time

contract employee basis making $54.27 an hour, said City

Administrator Ray Silver.

Barnard will continue to serve in his current position and assist

Silver with special projects.

In an effort to deal with the city’s budget problems Barnard’s

position as director of communications will be eliminated and a

community relations officer will be hired to replace him. It’s a

decision that will save the city money, Silver said.

“I’ll finish up some things and just move on,” Barnard said. “I

don’t have any definite plans.”

The city will begin to recruit someone to fill the position and

Barnard will leave when that person is hired, Silver said.

“Rich has really been a vital part of the city’s operations,”

Councilwoman Shirley Dettloff said. “I hold him in high esteem, he

has been more than just an employee.”

Barnard will not be easily replaced, Councilman Peter Green said.

“He’s served the city with distinction for many years and will be

severely missed,” he said.
