
Surf and Sun


We’ll have some morning low clouds today, but they should burn off

early, creating a magnificently sunny Fourth of July. Highs will hover in

the mid-70s in Costa Mesa and the upper 60s in Newport Beach. Lows will

stick to the low 60s.

Expect it to warm up a bit Thursday into the entire weekend. Play if

safe and sane, and enjoy a great holiday.

Information:o7 www.nws.noaa.govf7 .


The southwesterly winds will blow 10 to 15 knots today in the inner

waters, with 2-foot waves and a southwest swell of 3 to 5 feet.

Out farther, the northwesterly winds will blow 10 to 20 knots today,

with combined seas of 7 to 10 feet. Fog will roll in this evening.


Celebrate the holiday without surfboards today because it probably

won’t be worth it. Instead, just go swimming. Hold off until Friday or

Saturday to catch some waves. Friday will see knee- to waist-highs, while

Saturday will pick up into the waist- to chest-high range.

Water quality:o7 www.surfrider.orgf7 .


Time Height

6:11 a.m. 3.02 feet high

11:16 a.m. 1.90 feet low

6:09 p.m. 4.97 feet high

1:27 a.m. 1.10 feet low


About 66
