
Pets of the Week

Hooda is a neutered 8-year-old male whose owner is trying to find a

home for him to avoid the uncertainty of the shelter system, said DiAnna

Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal

Network. He has a sister, a black Manx cat, that also needs a home, she


Former “Pets of the Week” Peachy and George, two adult cats that were

in the same predicament, were put to sleep Friday because their owner was

unable to find homes for them, Pfaff-Martin said.

“Many healthy adult animals are turned into shelters and lose their

lives or are humanely euthanized in a private veterinarian’s office

because of the almost impossible task of finding rental housing with a

pet,” she said.

To avoid such circumstances, the network has established a

pet-friendly real estate section that lists the names of apartment

complexes and landlords that welcome pets, she said.

In addition to providing pet-friendly housing, Pfaff-Martin also

encourages monetary donations to “Spay a Stray,” “ Feed The Kitties” or


See animals available for adoption at o7 www.animalnetwork.orgf7 or

stop by Russo’s pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on

weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646, or write to the Community Animal

Network at P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658.
