
Sounding Off

Dan Huston

As self-appointed city curmudgeon, I feel it is my duty to keep our

community aware of what those rascals at City Hall are doing, or not


With all the talk about installing a tunnel or bridge for pedestrians

at Coast Highway and Broadway, I decided to conduct my own traffic check.

I chose a Monday, a Wednesday and a Saturday. I began my survey at

6:45 a.m. and continued until 9 a.m. My conclusion is that there is no

need for special pedestrian access to Main Beach.

My Monday survey showed the busiest period: 17 pedestrians and seven

dogs during the 135-minute period.

In July of 1996 the council put consideration for a downtown parking

structure onto the “urgent agenda.” Six years later we are still waiting.

What sort of a fog is there around City Hall? Wouldn’t it be nice to

visit the Festival and not have to hike for half an hour? Raising the

rates on the parking meters will not create any more parking spaces.

Build the parking structure.

Sign me, your new city curmudgeon.

* DAN HUSTON is a Laguna Beach resident.
