
Even Start kids get birthday bash

Mary A. Castillo

The children at the Even Start Preschool program were thrown a

birthday bash by Katherine Del Rio and Sharon Coleman of Southern

California Edison Saddleback Service Center.Every year the preschool

celebrates the children’s birthdays in Bluebird Park. But last Wednesday,

20 preschoolers were treated to balloons, gifts, hand-painting and a

giant cake, said Terry Anne Barman, director of the program.

“The kids had a great time,” she said. “It was a wonderful event.”

Party planning started shortly after Coleman took notice of the

program. Together with Del Rio, she organized a raffle and encouraged

other Edison employees to contribute funds.

“It is through support of business such as Southern California Edison

and other community organizations that the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna

Beach can offer quality programs like the Even Start Preschool program to

deserving children in our community,” Barman said.
