
Police to buckle down on drunk driving

Paul Clinton

A state traffic safety agency gave the Huntington Beach Police

Department $135,240 to create a new team to combat drunk driving.

The California Office of Traffic Safety awarded the grant, one of 182

handed down, on May 7. The funding was given to fuel the program for two


Huntington Beach’s police department had applied for the money, which

is part of $30.3 million in federal money.

Police officials said they will use the money to start up the DUI

team. They also plan to step up enforcement of the city’s drunk-driving

laws and implement a quarterly checkpoint to look for inebriated drivers.

Police also say they’ll partner with Alcohol Beverage Control

investigators to educate local bars and nightclubs about the dangers of

drunk driving. Thirty establishments have been identified.

Gov. Gray Davis, who announced the grants, said they would help “raise

the bar” on traffic safety.

“By doing even better, we can prevent the loss of life and prevent

injuries,” Davis said.
