
Letter to the Editor -- Jean Olson

I’d like to throw a thought into the continuing debate over whether

creation science should be taught alongside the evolution theory, which

concludes some accidental incident billions of years ago caused life in a

single cell that then evolved into all we see around us today, including


The students being taught must be our primary concern and it is

essential that everyone remember those children do not belong to the

state or public school system. They belong to us.

Overwhelmingly, we as a society believe in God and that He created us.

It is appalling that our children are being forced to study only

one-sided “evolution” information, presented more as fact than theory,

particularly when it causes confusion that often is never clarified. That

could be avoided if credible scientific arguments that confirm biblical

beliefs were not banned from the classroom.

Parents have an obligation to demand, and students the right to learn,

both theories. They must be taught side-by-side so that our children are

allowed to examine the scientific evidence and arguments of both


The issue is an essential one -- one that helps them decide their very

origin and eternal destination. Certainly, it makes sense that they be

given more knowledge and information on the subject, not less.


Newport Beach
