
Program for Latino parents, students getting high district marks

School district officials are enthusiastic about a program to get

Latino students and their parents more involved on Laguna Beach campuses.

Working with the Orange County Human Relations Council, the Laguna

Beach Unified School District has plans to provide a “Parent Leadership

Institute” for Spanish-speaking parents beginning this summer.

They plan to start small and really get the word out, said Steven

Keller, assistant superintendent for instructional services.

“We’re going to emphasize the nonflyer approach,” he said. “We’re

going to have small focus groups with the parents talking to them about

their specific needs,” .

Setting up convenient meeting locations and providing transportation

and child-care are top priorities to make it easier for the parent to

attend the meetings.

Plans to broaden the program districtwide -- taking it from just the

El Morro Elementary School campus -- are under consideration

“We want to start with the small focus groups this summer and get

parents involved by fall with the students,” Keller said.

Older Latino students -- especially high school students -- are going

to be encouraged to get involved early and introduce their younger

siblings and parents into to program.

The district is contemplating having six-week sessions, for two hours

every week. District officials also plan extensive follow-ups with those


“Now that we’ve given you the tools what can we continue to give you

to connect?” Keller said. “Asking the questions to find out how to best

