
72 Hours

1. Laugh away. The Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club’s Showboat 2002

production, “Bahia Burlesque,” will begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m.

today, followed by a 7:30 p.m. dinner and 8:30 p.m. show at the club,

1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. The club’s 29th annual production

will feature more than 30 skits, including a version of “The Full Monty”

called “The Mendoza Completo.” $40, $20 for children ages 5 to 12.

Reservations requested. (949) 644-9530.

2. Fashions of the far east. A fashion show displaying John McMullen’s

collection of more than 4,000 kimonos will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Saturday at the University Club at UC Irvine. The La Casa and Jane Gray

Porter committees of the Philharmonic Society will present the show that

raises money for music education programs in county schools. The day also

will offer a buffet and beer tasting $55. (949) 553-2422.

3. Fight the disease. Fidelity Federal Bank and a group of friends

Sunday will host a fund-raiser to assist a woman with reflex sympathetic

dystrophy, a disease of the sympathetic nervous system, from 1 to 5 p.m.

at the Fidelity Federal Bank, 1515 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach. An

auction will benefit the RSD/CRPS Moss Memorial Foundation and the woman.

Donations and volunteers are sought. (949) 448-8982 or (949) 448-0668.
