
Sounding Board -- Chris Hayden

Pilot columnist Joseph N. Bell takes off after Newport-Mesa Unified

Trustee Wendy Leece again in his column regarding the teaching of

evolution as opposed to intelligent design (The Bell Curve, “Answering

the creationist challenge,” Feb. 14). He trots out what he perceives to

be a big gun to blast away -- a college professor. Hasn’t anyone clued in

Bell that college professors sacrificed their credibility at the alter of

political correctness years ago?

Let me just pose two questions to Bell that will make a case for

letting the camel’s nose of intelligent design under the tent of science

teaching. In a universe that tends toward entropy, how does an incredibly

complex, self-replicating molecule like DNA come into existence, and then

how does it find its way into a semipermeable membrane? Why would this

resulting cell make a copy of itself?

If either Bell or his college professor guru can answer these

questions in a way that requires less faith than Genesis, I will put a

“Darwin Rules” bumper sticker on my car.


Costa Mesa
