

Tuesday’s ballot contains a number of important decisions, including

one that ought to look quite familiar. And, as we did a year ago, we urge

voters to support the Huntington Beach City School District bond measure.

Measure DD would allow the district to float a general obligation bond

for $30 million to repair aging and often dilapidated schools, replace

35-year-old roofs and classroom heating and ventilation systems, improve

electrical and fire alarm systems and replace deteriorating water and

sewer systems. It will also qualify the district to receive $16 million

in state-matching funds. It is much-needed money for our most important

resource: our schools.

We also suggest voter support of the following citywide measures:

Measure FF, which would create an infrastructure fund for all

infrastructure revenues raised. Importantly, the City Council would be

required to designate an advisory board to annually review and audit the

fund. Given the state of our sewers and streets, specific money for

improvement is wise.

Measure GG, which would place Power Plant Utility Taxes solely in the

infrastructure fund to be used only for the maintenance, construction and

repair of infrastructure such as storm drains, storm-water pump stations,

alleys, streets, highways, parks and beach facilities.

Measure HH, which would work in concert with Measure GG and repeal the

gas tax exclusion for electric power plants, namely AES Corp. As a member

of our community, AES ought to be contributing its part to the

improvement of Huntington Beach and the cleanup and repair of our streets

and waters.

Finally, we urge a “No” vote on Measure EE.

It would change the city’s charter to allow only property owners to

establish the price or terms regarding that property’s sale, lease,

rental, exchange or transfer.

Notably, it would prohibit the city from regulating housing prices.

Now, while this is regulation we are not advocating, at the same time, we

see no problem with the city taking part in property rights decisions.

Therefore, we do not believe Measure EE is a change that is necessary.
