

-- Stories and interviews compiled by Bryce Alderton

The Daily Pilot went to Pomona Elementary School in Costa Mesa to ask

third-graders, “Why does America celebrate Presidents’ Day?”

“George Washington -- because he was the first president.”

Diana Uribe, 9, Costa Mesa

“Celebrate the presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. They

helped our country. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president and George

Washington is known as the father of our country. He was the first

president. Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd and George Washington

married Martha.”

Elizabeth Gomez, 9, Costa Mesa

“Because of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. They celebrated and

wrote letters to people that didn’t have food, didn’t have clothes, shoes

and socks. Abraham Lincoln wrote letters to people from faraway


Angel Bernal, 8, Costa Mesa

“Being a president like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. George

Washington helped people and Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president. Both

had a war and some soldiers died. Thousands died in the Civil War.”

Miguel Mejia, 9, Costa Mesa

“They did something for our country. George Washington treated slaves

nice, Abraham Lincoln freed all the slaves. George Washington was the

father of our country. They fought against the English because they

didn’t want to pay taxes to the King of England. Abraham Lincoln was shot

at a Washington [D.C.] theater. It was sad because he did many things for

our country.”

Mirka Murillo, 8, Costa Mesa
