

o7 The following letters to Santa Claus were forwarded to us from

Edie Archibald’s kindergarten class at Harbor View Elementary School in

Corona del Mar.f7

Dear Santa,

Hi, Santa! How are you feeling up in the North Pole?

I would like a Nintendo 64. Now, I’ll have a race car set with race

cars that glow in the dark and I’ll have a little TV so we can put it in

the car. And that’s all. I think you should get these things because

I’ll take good care of it. I’ll hide it from my brother because it’s very

special stuff. And did you know, Santa, why I hide them from my brother?

Because sometimes he breaks stuff. What if he breaks the game?

So, Santa, I’d like you to get a Nintendo 64 for my brother, Hayden

William Elsten.

Your friend,


How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer?

I want a Starlight Barbie and a stuffed puppy and a pretend reindeer

and a fox book called Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke. You should get

these for me because my brother -- sometimes he takes off my Barbie’s


Happy Christmas!

Your friend,


How are your reindeer doing, Santa? How are you doing, too, Mrs.


Now for my presents. I want one Rams helmet and a Tennessee helmet and

a Buffalo Bills helmet. And then I want a Mac Steele that has a

motorcycle and then I want another Mac Steele that has a boat. And then I

want -- like this -- it might trap you and might throw you or might eat

you and throw you in the slime pool -- it’s a Hot Wheels thing. I want a

dog -- I want a black lab. And I want a doghouse for my dog. I want the

Lucky Duck that we have here. And two more things I want: I want an Apple

computer so that I can play Manosaur and Bugdom. And one more thing: I

want a scooter that has red wheels and has blue handles. And that’s all!

I want a computer because I like to play Manosaur, the dinosaur game, and

I like to play the Bugdom game on the computer. For the football stuff, I

like to play football when I watch football. I’d like to play with the

dog outside -- it’s fun. I want a scooter so that I can play with my

friend Nicholas who lives right up the street. I like to play with Mac

Steele because I like to fight together and play together. I like to see

when they throw it in the slime and see the slime and I like to see when

they throw it in his mouth.

I hope you have a good Christmas, Santa Claus.

Your friend,


Did you have a nice summer?

I want a dollhouse and I want a Barbie and I want a new wagon and I

want stickers and I want a harmonica and I want a new stroller -- just a

toy one. And I want a bell and I want a necklace and I want a doggy -- a

real poodle dog -- a real one! And I want a doll -- a teddy bear. And I

want earrings and a ring. And I want a new lunch box -- a Powder Puff

girl one. And I want a fishy -- because my fishy died. And that’s all. I

know you’ll get me this stuff because you’re nice and you give presents

to people -- and I’m writing a letter to you! And I wrote a letter to

Mrs. Claus, too.

Have a good Christmas Eve, Santa.

Your friend,


Are you feeling good?

I want a computer because you can put CDs in it. I’ll take good care

of it -- because my daddy has one and my mommy has one and my sister has

one, and I want a computer like my sister. I want a Barbie CD and a Bunny

CD and a Jungle CD. I want a CD player Barbie. I want a blue sweater. And

I want a treehouse because my friend who was in preschool with me has a

treehouse and I want one like hers.

Your friend,


Did you have a nice summer?

Could you give me a Harry Potter flying ball? I like it and when I

turn 8 I could play it, but not when I’m 5 or 6. I could play it when I’m

7 or 8. When I turn 6, I want Santa to come in my house, and everyone to

come in my house. And I want a Barbie car that I could sit in. And I want

a Maker Barbie -- you could hold her in your hand and you could make

stuff. He makes some cake or some pizza. I want you to bring it because I

like it.

I hope you have a nice Christmas, Santa.

Your friend,


How are the reindeer? How are you doing, Santa? How is Mrs. Claus

doing? Are you packing the sleigh up?

I want a new red bike -- a big bike -- because I’ve been a good boy. I

want a race car track because my dad wants one, too, to play with. I want

a race car, a model race car, because I build models all the time.

I hope everything is going well.

Your friend,


How are you doing, Reindeer? How are you doing, Mrs. Claus? How are

you doing, Santa?

I want XBox -- it’s a Nintendo game -- because my dad wants it, too. I

want games with it like Crash Bandicoot, Hockey, Shrek, and Frogger


Have a nice Christmas Eve!

Your friend,


How do you make all the toys? How hard is it for the elves to make the

toys every year? How do you get to every house in the world every year in

12 hours? How do you get through the chimney when you’re so big? How do

reindeer fly? How many toys can you carry in a bag? How do you wrap the

presents -- at your workshop or our house?

I want a little car that has four huge wheels, it’s yellow, and it

does front flips. I want it because I will take care of it. I want a

mummy squeeze thing where one eye pops out -- I want to have it because,

if I take it on long trips -- like 10 hours -- it’s good to play on an

airplane because it’s quiet. I want a remote control semi -- you can take

it out and it goes wild -- it has a trailer on the back that you can take

off. I want that because if I’m in the desert, then it would be good to

drive around because it’s allowed to go in dirt.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Your friend,


Are the elves making presents? How are your reindeer?

I want a camera because I can take pictures. I want a Shrek movie

because it’s cool. I have more things on a list at my house -- you can

read it there.

I like you, Santa, because you bring me presents.

Your friend,


I like the girl elves. I like you, Santa. I like the boy elves, too.

Sometimes I like when the elves dance. I like when you do music. And I

like your mother, Santa.

Now I’m ready for my presents. I’d like a Wedding Barbie. And I want

to get a wand. I want to get a gingerbread man. You should bring these

presents because I like the presents the elves make.

And I like Christmas a lot for eight days.

Your friend,


How are you? I’m having very fun at kindergarten. And I have a Rudolph

the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie -- two of them!

Now the toys! I want a robot that’s got legs and it’s got two eyes and

it has two swords on the back and it’s got these hands -- four hands --

six hands on each side. And I want a robot -- it’s got five hands on each

side and it’s got one head and one eye and it can float real high and

far. And it’s got a remote control. I think you should bring me this

because I’m a good boy. And I want a two-headed robot with four arms, two

on each side, and it’s got four legs. And it’s got remote control. It can

go to the arms and it’s got a computer on the back of the robot that I


Thank you for my toys, Santa.

Your friend,


How are you? How are you doing? Can you please come to my house? Mrs.

Claus, how are you doing? I hope you make cookies for the elves and Santa

Claus! I hope Rudolph is feeling good with you.

I want the Harry Potter dragon because it roars and snores and when we

tickle him he breathes fire -- not real fire! I want a motorcycle -- it

has a real motor, it’s green and black and has two seats. I want it

because it goes super fast! I don’t want a talking dog! I want a frog,

though, for Christmas -- a stuffed toy.

I hope Rudolph is doing OK.

Your friend,


I love you! I hope you have a good time, and I like your sleigh.

I want a Santa lunch box because I love you, Santa. I want a phone and

a computer. I need these because I could play games on the computer and

the phone because I could talk to my friends. And I want a fire

extinguisher because if there’s a fire I could blow it out.

I love you, Santa.

Your friend,


How are you? How are your reindeer doing? Don’t make it too hard on


For Christmas I would like a beauty bag -- it’s a bag that has

lipstick and, like, all that in it. And I want it because I don’t have

any makeup. I would like a wallet so I could put my money in it. And I

want a purse because I don’t have one. I would like a picture of your

reindeer because I don’t know what your reindeer look like. And, also, I

want a picture of you, Santa. I want it because I like you.

I wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope you’re not too tired. Don’t make

it hard on yourself when you go deliver toys.

Your friend,


How are you doing, Santa Claus? How are your elves doing too? I hope

you’re feeling well, and the same thing with Mrs. Claus. And I hope your

reindeer are doing well too.

I want a stuffed animal like a cat and a spotted dog with brown fur

too. And then I want a stuffed animal white cat too. I think you should

bring these because I’m a good girl. I help my brother sometimes, I set

the table sometimes for my mom, and I’m good at school. Maybe if you want

to bring me something else, just come up with something because I might

like something that you choose.

I hope you have a good year, and Merry Christmas!

Your friend,


I hope the elves are all working very hard, and I hope that everybody

is well at the North Pole.

I want a Harry Potter dragon. It’s, like, green and it blows fire

sometimes. If I had this, I would play with it and share it with my

friends. And I want a magic kit so that I can make magic. And I want a

Harry Potter Quidditch ball. I’m going to play with it a lot. Just one

more thing, and this is real important to me: A Harry Potter cloak -- I

like that a lot.

And I hope that you fly safely and everybody there is well.

Your friend,


Hi! How are you?

I want to have a kitty -- it doesn’t matter what it looks like. I know

how to take care of a kitty because my friend showed me how to take care

of a kitty. And I was a really good girl. I help my baby-sitter clean. I

clean up my room. And I helped my mom and my brother and my sister pick a

Christmas tree. And when it was my sister’s birthday, I helped my mom

pick something out for her present. And I want a Sugar Plum Fairy

costume, too, so I can play in it.

Bye -- and Merry Christmas!

Your friend,

