
Feedback -- Readers chime in on school board presidency

Wendy Leece’s commentary (“Trustee requests board presidency,” Dec. 6)

about being overlooked for school board president misses an important

point. The president represents the leadership of the entire school

board. Often, the president is called to be the spokesperson for the

school board.

Leece appears to be a caring person, willing to listen to others, and

concerned about the needs of the school district, but she has admitted to

being biased against accepting federal funds for disadvantaged students.

For example, Leece has expressed her opposition to the school breakfast

program for students in need, stating she felt that feeding children is

the responsibility of parents. In an ideal world, no child would go to

school hungry, but unfortunately there would be many children from

low-income homes that would have no food in their stomachs the entire

school day if the federally funded breakfast program was eliminated. She

has expressed the same bias in accepting federal funds for other

low-income programs like health care services.

The school board presidency is an elected position and should reflect

the support of the majority of the school board members. Leece has gone

on record opposing federal funds that assist students that are

disadvantaged. I respect her right to express her opposition about

accepting these funds, but she should not fill the role of being the main

spokesperson for the school board. Though you may feel Leece is being

snubbed, I feel the primary concern should be electing a president that

will best represent the needs of the students of the district, even the

disadvantaged ones.


Newport Beach

What a disgusting display of arrogance and a better than thou attitude

on the part of Newport-Mesa Unified school board trustees Dana Black and

Martha Fluor regarding trustee Wendy Leece (“Franco named new board

president,” Wednesday). To condemn Leece for not walking in lock-step

with the board and also for a lack of character is really pitiful.

Apparently team spirit, according to Black and Fluor, is not being

able to think for yourself and putting the board’s wishes first before

those of the children, their parents and the district. These two people

are going to tell someone else about character (i.e. trustee Jim

Ferryman’s drunk driving arrest) when Fluor says it is a personal matter

and Black says nothing.

What shining examples for the kids of Newport-Mesa to follow.

It would be interesting to know why everyone on the board is so very

afraid of Leece. What is it about being a Christian that strikes such

fear and panic in their hearts and minds? Maybe it is best we don’t know.


Newport Beach

I cannot resist to call and once again voice my opposition to trustee

Wendy Leece as president of the school board. I agree with the two,

Elizabeth Veritas and Kim Pawell, that she is in a minority (Feedback --

“Leece’s leadership request draws fire,” Dec. 11). She should remain in a

minority. It’s a democracy. She does not have more than one vote on that

board, and therefore she shouldn’t be elected president. I hope that the

public sees her for what she is, and she is not reelected to the school

board. She does not represent the general opinion of the residents of

Costa Mesa and Newport Beach regarding our public schools. Stop Leece.


Costa Mesa

Something is very rotten on the Newport-Mesa Unified school board.

Aren’t we supposed to celebrate diversity? Everyone but those who are

conservative, we see.

Wendy Leece isn’t a team player? What is this, another little clique

in town? Her view are just as credible as those of Martha Fluor, Judy

Franco and Jim Ferryman, who is a disgrace to them all. They have shown

their true colors, which is yellow.

If the community tolerates this favoritism, we deserve what we get:

clones with no integrity.


Corona del Mar
