
Briefly in education

A recent McDonald’s fund-raising effort in which teachers and other

school officials served up burgers at about 200 McDonald’s restaurants

raised more than $125,000 in Southern California. The November event,

held Nov. 12 through Nov. 16, raised money for the schools involved.

In Newport-Mesa Unified School District, Andersen, Sonora and Newport

Beach elementary schools participated in the McDonald’s McTeacher’s Night

and benefited from it.

Each school’s principal and up to 10 teachers greeted customers, took

food orders and helped with food preparation during the week.

Parents, students and school supporters dined during a three-hour

stretch. Portions of the night’s receipts were donated to the schools by

each of the partnering McDonald’s restaurants.

McTeacher’s Night was staged in nearly 1,200 McDonald’s restaurants in

14 Western states and raised almost $600,000 collectively.
