
Police briefs

A man broke into a Huntington Beach home and stole a woman’s purse and

then her car, police said.

A purse and a red 1993 Ford Explorer were stolen from a home at 12:55

a.m. Tuesday in the 7500 block of Ellis Avenue in Huntington Beach, said

Huntington Beach Police Sgt. Steve Johnson.

Two women, one a Costa Mesa resident the other from Huntington Beach,

were in the house when the suspect entered but were not injured, Johnson


One told authorities she was asleep when she thought she heard the

other’s grandson call out to the suspect, then the suspect told her to go

back to sleep, Johnson said.

The suspect was not arrested and left in an unknown direction, but not

before leaving behind a knife, police said.

There were no signs of forced entry. Police are continuing their


The suspect was described as 24 to 27, 6-feet-1 to 6-feet-3 tall, thin

build, with dark blond hair. He was wearing a gray fleece, red baseball

hat and dark pants.
