

Linda Dixon has taken her share of heat this past year.

Since the election in November 2000 of longtime city hall critic Chris

Steel, council meetings have taken on a decidedly different tone.

And Dixon, for some reason, has often been a target.

Gadfly after gadfly now uses the lectern to push agendas and bash

elected officials for everything from the Job Center to Home Ranch to the

Huscroft House.

But lost in the fervor is the fact that Costa Mesa does indeed have

tremendous leadership, and Linda Dixon is certainly a shining example of


So, if you haven’t already guessed, we couldn’t be happier that she

has now become the mayor of this fair city, and we think you should be


Dixon has earned her stripes. As a longtime planning commissioner, she

learned the intricacies of city government and how to rip through the red

tape that bogs down even the best elected leaders.

She’s deeply connected to the senior center and has helped shape some

of the changes that have taken place there.

And despite the cries of her foes, she early on developed a reputation

as a fighter for the people, leading the calls for a redesign of the

Harbor Center development in 1998, against the wishes of powerful

pro-development and pro-business forces.

She cast the sole dissenting Planning Commission vote for that

project, which was approved on a 4-1 vote.

In fact, many like to point out that Steel was the highest vote getter

in the 2000 election.

But it was a firebrand Dixon who also led the field in 1998, topping

even incumbent Gary Monahan.

We believe as mayor, Dixon will continue her vision for the community

that includes a deep connection to the arts and desire to improve and

secure neighborhoods.

The residents of Costa Mesa are in good hands.
