
‘Dear Ron’ letters

I feel Ron Davis hit the nail right on the head with his opinion of

the lawsuit filed by Signal Landmark, and it should be an embarrassment

to the Amigos de Bolsa Chica (“Signal’s Amigos lawsuit just another smear

job,” March 29).

However, the Amigos owe their current fall from grace not due to the

fact that the terms of the settlement were disclosed, but that they

accepted over $1 million from a “developer,” without ever having the

intention to meet or work with the coalition with open minds.

It appears to me, at least, they were looking for loopholes from the

very beginning. Perhaps it was the recognition that the Amigos’ efforts

were being overshadowed by the crass tactics used by the Land Trust that

led Linda Moon to step out of the agreement and aggressively oppose the

coalition pact.

Whatever the reason, the Amigos, under her leadership, should feel

deeply ashamed. It appears as though the Amigos have lost a lot of “LAND



Huntington Beach
