
On the water -- Homes sweet homes

June Casagrande

Ginny’s casa es su casa. At least that will be Virginia Furmanski’s

attitude when she is one of 10 people to fling open their doors for

Balboa Island’s fifth Holiday Home Tour.

Furmanski has been a docent and organizer for the popular home tour

for the last four years. This year, however, she and her waterfront home

are part of the show.

“It’s a very Christmasy thing to do and it’s a great fund-raiser for

the island,” Furmanski said, noting that money from the event goes toward

sprucing up the island with things like plants and other decorations.

Organizers try to get different people to open their homes up for the

tour every year to keep the event new and exciting. The tour, which is

put on by the Balboa Island Improvement Assn., usually sells out every

year, announced Councilman Steve Bromberg, at Tuesday’s council meeting.

For $15, tour goers get more than just a peek inside some of the most

beautiful and unique houses in the city -- they get an insider’s view and

even hot cider and cookies.

Furmanski said the tour is distinct from similar events, like the

Corona del Mar home tour, because the homes are so unique.

“We have a lot of the old-time beach houses that were really summer

homes,” she said. “Our tour has a real feeling of character.”

To accent the beach feel of the tour, Furmanski has decided to

decorate her Bayfront home in a marine theme with seashells decorating

her tree.

“I wanted something different from the traditional green and red and

Santa Claus decorations,” she said. “So I have white sea shells and star

fish and sand dollars on the tree. Because we’re on the island and we’re

on the water, what could be better than shells?”


WHAT: Balboa Island’s fifth Holiday Home Tour

WHEN: Noon to 5 p.m., Sunday

TICKETS: Tickets cost $15 and are available at Marine AvenueSTORES:

Evan Sisters, Island Home, Martha’s Bookstore, Persimmon Tree and

Sandpiper. Tickets can also be purchased by sending a check made out to

BIIA for $15 to Holiday Home Tour, P.O. Box 294, Balboa Island, CA 92662.

CALL: For more information, call (949) 723-0563
