
Surf and Sun


It’s chilly out there, but the temperatures are not as cold as they

were in 1945, when the area hit a record low of 35 degrees. It’s not

expected to be anywhere near that cold today, with a high of 62 and lows

in the 50s. The mostly-cloudy day will turn into a soaker in the late

afternoon. But just in case, keep your umbrella handy.

Information:o7 https://www.nws.noaa.govf7 .


Winds close to shore are expected to blow from the southeast at 10 to

20 knots, kicking up wind waves of three feet. A western swell of 5 to 6

feet is expected, with rain likely by late afternoon. At night, the winds

will shift to west to northwest, blowing at 15 to 25 knots, decreasing


Further out, southwest winds are expected to increase to 20 to 30

knots, with the strongest gusts northwest of San Nicolas Island. The seas

will build to 10 to 12 feet. Rain is expected in the afternoon.


A cool northwest swell will have two- to three-foot surf slowly

building. Stormy conditions may start to muck things up, though.

Water quality:o7 https://www.surfrider.orgf7 .


Time Height

2:50 a.m. 2.1 feet low

9:09 a.m. 6.2 feet high

4:33 p.m. -0.8 feet low

11:12 a.m. 3.6 feet high


In the high 50s.
