
Planners again support Cecil Place development

Lolita Harper

COSTA MESA -- The Planning Department has come full circle in its

opinion of a proposed development on Cecil Place and is once again

recommending the design be approved at tonight’s City Council meeting.

City planners initially supported a proposal to build two more houses

on an unusually large lot on the Eastside when it was first submitted to

the Planning Commission in August, only to change their minds when it

came before the City Council.

Last summer, Michael Schrock, the owner of an 18,000-square-foot lot

in the 200 block of Cecil Place, applied for a petition to rezone the

$800,000 property to build two houses behind the existing two-story

house, which he plans to occupy.

Despite a loud outcry of opposition, the Planning Commission voted 3

to 2 in favor of the rezoning on Aug. 27 based on advice from the city’s

Planning Department.

Under the city’s residential zoning standards, Schrock could have

rearranged the property lines and built all three houses, Planning

Commissioner Bruce Garlich said after recommending the project in August.

But the Planning Department recommended that Schrock apply for

rezoning to create a better product, Garlich said. The same department

that recommended the rezoning did an about face when the item was set to

come before the City Council.

After reviewing the project again and receiving an increasing amount

of communication from opponents to the development, staff recommended the

council deny the project.

The City Council decided in October to give Schrock additional time to

alter the development of two small-lot houses he had proposed for his

18,000-square-foot property.

He was asked to submit changes to his proposal for the lot, garnering

the Planning Department’s recommendation once again.

Schrock added two additional parking spaces and reconfigured existing

parking spaces to allow for a 25-foot back-out space.

The minor revisions make the project compliant with city standards,

according to a staff report.

But they don’t address the root of the problem.

Neighbors on Cecil Place have organized a sizable opposition to the

proposed development, saying it does not fit with the character of the


Wayne Kastner, who lives two doors down from the large lot and opposes

Schrock’s project, has enlisted the help of Westside activists on a

community Web site. Kastner asked fellow chat-group members to come to

the council meeting and voice their opposition or write a letter.

“Encourage others to do the same,” he posted.

The City Council is scheduled to decide on the project Monday.

* Lolita Harper covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949)

574-4275 or by e-mail at o7 [email protected] .
