
A crucial moment

-- The editors

The lima beans are long gone. That much about the Segerstrom Home

Ranch is certain.

But often during the past 20 years, little else has seemed so clear.

And now -- once again -- a major step is about to be taken in the

decades-long effort to develop this patch of former farmland.

On Monday, the Costa Mesa City Council is expected to vote on the

latest Home Ranch proposal, which includes an Ikea furniture store, a

corporate headquarters for Emulex, nearly 800,000 feet of office space

and 192 homes.

The numbers surrounding the project are enormous: a possible $31

million in sales tax to the city, millions more for road improvements, $2

million to Costa Mesa schools.

But those numbers are not enough to satisfy the project’s dedicated

opponents. The questions they’re asking are simple and straightforward.

Is it enough? Can those millions buy back what they say will be lost if

the Ikea store and the office complexes are built?

Quality of life.

It has been at times a bitter debate, and a familiar one. Twice

before, as the Segerstroms tried to build on their land, opposition

stopped plans dead.

Monday’s vote promises to be another crucial moment in this story.

In preparation for that decision, the Daily Pilot today traces the

history of the project, describes its possible benefits and possible

harms, and lays out what might come next.

We will let those on both sides say their peace.

Whether the vote Monday brings any peace and proves to be the final

act to this long-running drama, only time will tell.
