

Joe Bell’s column (“Ferryman wants to finish what he started,” Oct.

25) is finally a true representation of what Jim and Mary Ferryman

represent and who they are. Both of them have made enormous contributions

to this community. I can only assume that community members who have

recently written libelous and erroneous things about Ferryman have no

idea the contributions that he has made for our community.

If you have a child in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, you

have benefited from both Jim and Mary Ferryman’s contributions.

Mary Ferryman is one of the very best reading specialists in the

district, and the knowledge that she shares with other district teachers

affects all children in the district. If you doubt this, just take a look

at Sonora Elementary School’s state test scores. Or schedule a visit to

her first-grade class at Sonora and listen to her first-grade students

read. They will amaze you.

Jim Ferryman should continue to hold his head up high and be very

proud of his life, his wife, his children, his contributions to this

community, the accomplishments and the difference he has made in the

children who attend Newport-Mesa schools.

Jim Ferryman acknowledges he has made a mistake and will have his day

in court. The witch hunt that seems to continue by all of the “holier

than thou” community members needs to stop.

* MAXINE M. MACHA is a Costa Mesa resident.
