
Costa Mesa’s spending record merits national award

Lolita Harper

COSTA MESA -- Taxpayers should know there is a core group of city

employees who are dedicated to spending their money responsibly,

officials said.

Purchasing supervisor Cyndy West, buyer Debbie Dobrott, storekeeper

Rick Rolsheim and accounting specialist Amanda Koh were congratulated by

Mayor Libby Cowan on Monday for receiving a national award of excellence.

The Purchasing Department was one of 32 city departments nationwide

that received the 2001 Achievement for Excellence in Procurement Award,

which distinguishes government and nonprofit agencies.

“We’re very proud,” West said.

Roeder said West, Dobrott, Rolsheim and Koh are a passionate group

that works hard to stretch every dollar. The group works with every

department in the city to identify needs and then scours the market to

find the best supplies, he said.

“You could call them our expert shoppers,” Roeder said. “They are

always hunting for the best deals.”

Although the city is now tightening its purse strings, the Purchasing

Department has always made an effort to spend conscientiously.

“The public should know that we take how we spend our money very

seriously,” Roeder said.

The award is given jointly by the California Public Assn. for

Purchasing, the National Assn. of Purchasing Management and the National

Purchasing Institute. The criteria are designed to measure innovation,

professionalism, productivity and leadership, officials said.

Costa Mesa received its reward, in part, because the staff obtained

professional certification and education in purchasing, established a

professional training program, used a unique warehousing system and cost

the taxpayers only $357,369 in the 2000-01 fiscal year, West said.

Marvin Sanders, from the California Assn. of Public Purchasing

Officers, said the four-year program is gaining momentum around the


“A lot of times, specific city departments don’t get a chance to toot

their own horns,” Sanders said.
