
READERS RESPOND -- Rodman faces a jury of Newport-Mesa peers

I think Dennis Rodman should be treated like everyone else in Newport

Beach (“Rodman pleads guilty to 3 noise charges,” Friday). Practically

every day, I see two or three people jumping from helicopters on the

beach and a dozen boaters throttling down in the harbor, damaging boats

in their docks and dodging kids in kayaks and sailboats.

If this were not the case, I would say toss him in jail for a year or

two, or until he learns to be a responsible citizen, a lesson someone

never taught him. Don’t the taxpayers spend money on jails to protect the

citizens from dangerous people?


Newport Beach

Did the judge give Dennis Rodman the correct punishment? I believe he

did. All indications are that he was treated fairly and equitably and not

given any preferential treatment. I don’t believe he should have been

given preferential treatment. It seems like the punishment fit the crime.

I believe Rodman is attempting to continue to get publicity as his fame

and flame seem to be burning out here.


Newport Beach

Can we please stop reading about the daily trials and tribulations of

Dennis Rodman? There have to be more interesting news items.


Costa Mesa

Oh yeah. I am sure that Superior Court Judge Margaret Anderson treated

Dennis Rodman exactly the same way she would have treated you or me under

the same circumstances. Three criminal misdemeanor charges, 14 citations,

more than 50 police calls to his house, speeding in the harbor at 20-plus

mph in a 5 mph zone, and numerous other run-ins with the law. Rodman pays

a fine, which is just “chump change,” and surely laughs it off. Yeah.

Just like you or me.


Newport Beach

As I co-hosted Rodman’s live auction last week to benefit the Red

Cross, hundreds of Newport locals bid wildly on Rodman’s collection of

highly valued sports and other donated prizes. Rodman himself outbid

audience members to purchase his own goods to raise more money and then

gave a Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Rodman signed picture to a

lucky lass.

Impact players and impact community members draw heat, but deliver a

brush fire of good to our land.

Rodman and I have much in common. Both of us are perceived to be

leaders, both known to dress in the flash of a woman in public, both

tagged for DUIs, both accused of head-butting with charges dismissed to

both, both considered to be the best of the best in our athletic skill

sets, and both love our community and helping kids.

Strip impact players of their butter and you get milk toast. America

prefers to mix it up a bit.

Rodman’s noise is a welcome belch and needed to shake it up a bit

around here. Otherwise, who in the heck is going to lead around here?

About 90% of the time when any one of us makes contact with government

of any form, it is a bad experience. About 90% of the people who make

contact with the Rodmans of the world have a great experience. Government

or Rodman? I’ll take 90 with Rodman and 10 with government.


Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Brian Theriot heads youth and family marketing, as

well as theatrical management, for NextLeft.
