
Police files - Oct. 21, 2001


* Adams Avenue and Harbor Boulevard: A traffic collision involving

injuries was reported at 10:05 a.m. Thursday.

* Bristol Street: A grand theft was reported in the 2900 block at 9:11

a.m. Thursday.

* Bryson Springs: Vandalism was reported in the 400 block at 7:29 p.m.


* Harbor Boulevard: A robbery was reported in the 2600 block at 8:30

p.m. Thursday.

* Loreto Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 2800 block

at 6:05 p.m. Thursday.

* Park Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 block at 8:45 p.m.


* Victoria Street: A traffic collision involving injury was reported

in the 700 block at 3:14 p.m. Thursday.

* East 17th Street: A petty theft was reported in the 200 block at

2:38 p.m. Thursday.


* Big Canyon Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 100 block at 7:31

a.m. Friday.

* East Coast Highway: A hit and run was reported in the 3200 block at

11:24 p.m. Thursday.

* Hilltop Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 block at

7:33 a.m. Friday.

* Newport Center Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 800 block at

2:44 a.m. Friday.

* 34th Street: Loud music was reported in the 300 block at 4:03 a.m.


* 44th Street: A loud party was reported in the 100 block at 12:16

a.m. Friday.
