
STEVE SMITH -- What’s up

At the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board meeting of Oct. 9,

12 days after trustee Jim Ferryman was arrested on suspicion of driving

under the influence of alcohol with a 0.19 blood alcohol level, he voted

to support a resolution endorsing Red Ribbon Week, a substance abuse

awareness program for kids that begins in two days. Ferryman should have

abstained from the vote, but he once again used poor judgment, so now the

program is tarnished.

Ferryman then used a late evening tribute to Matt Colby, the local

football player who recently passed away, to segue into a statement about

his DUI. He issued a weak, perfunctory statement about his crime and his

plans for the future.

Ferryman said he was “deeply regretful for [his] poor judgment.” He

did not say “I am sorry” for drinking and then endangering the lives of

innocent people by getting behind the wheel of a car. This is not

splitting hairs. Saying “I am sorry” is critical to the process of

reparation and forgiveness. Ferryman should check in with former Rock

Harbor pastor Keith Page if he wants to know how to get it right.

Ferryman pledged “that this would never happen again” but he did not

say how he would support his pledge. There are only two ways to ensure

this will never happen again. Either Ferryman stops drinking, or he stops

driving. Don’t hold your Breathalyzer waiting for his choice.

Ferryman did not explain why children participating in Red Ribbon Week

should have faith in the program when a sitting school board member has

been charged by the district attorney with two counts related to drunk

driving and is allowed to remain on the board.

Ferryman has shown no remorse, other than his empty pledge. He hasn’t

even volunteered to take a substance abuse course before it’s mandated by

a court.

Not only did he not show remorse, he indignantly and shamelessly

singled out fellow trustee Wendy Leece during the board meeting as the

only board member calling for his resignation. I have news for Ferryman

and those attacking Leece, and it may come as a bit of a shock, but here

goes: Wendy Leece did not get busted for driving down the street at a

blood alcohol level twice the legal limit, Jim Ferryman did.

But to listen to Ferryman supporters, it is Ferryman who is the

victim. Ferryman’s enablers are trying to succeed in their irrational

defense of him by using the tired old tactic of personally attacking

those who disagree. Once again, they, not the perpetrator, are the bad


What Ferryman should have done was to admit his crime not to a nearly

empty board room but at a press conference. He should have said “I am

sorry,” not “I regret.” He should have outlined the specific steps he

would take to guarantee that he would never drink and drive. He should

have asked for forgiveness. Then, in an effort to set an example of the

consequences we face when we do something very bad, he should have

stepped down. That’s the honorable thing to do. That’s what a strong

person would do.

But Ferryman has decided that it’s nobody’s business; that this a

“personal matter.” Sorry, but it’s not that simple. This ceased to become

a personal matter when taxpayer money was spent to arrest and prosecute

Ferryman. It ceased to become a personal matter when he drove after

drinking on a public street. And now, because he has not told his

supporters to stop their attacks on Leece, it is not personal.

If Ferryman is not going to resign, the district must now take the

next logical step and amend its bylaws to allow for the automatic

expulsion for any future board member convicted of specific crimes. Among

those, obviously, should be drunk driving. Without these amendments, the

board will be condoning this inappropriate behavior.

Further, Ferryman must now abstain from deciding matters relating to

zero-tolerance decisions for student violations, funding or support for

substance abuse programs and any other matters relating to substance


No one denies Ferryman’s community contributions. I’d guess that his

public appearances equal two or three of any members of the school board

or either Newport Beach or Costa Mesa city councils. But that does not

give him a pass to commit a serious crime and retain an elected

leadership position. Saving Jim Ferryman’s reputation can only be

accomplished by his voluntary resignation as a perfect statement to our


This matter will not go away because Jim Ferryman childishly refuses

to talk about it. But like so many other people in denial, there would

not be a problem if only the real bad guys would just leave him alone.

Before turning in this column, I left three messages for Ferryman, who

chose not to return my calls. At a time when America needs leaders more

than any time since World War II, Ferryman has proved to be just another

“do as I say, not as I do” politician.

* STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers

may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086.
