
FEEDBACK -- Readers further explore DP 103

Your decision to explain Dennis Rodman’s position on the 103 most

influential list was more revealing and more damaging, than the original

decision to include him (From the Newsroom, “Don’t let Dennis Rodman’s

103 list appearance upset you,” Oct. 1).

You explained “it is tinged with whimsy” and that anyone or anything

may be included simply because they are a local joke. You argued that our

newspapers needed more entertainment during these serious days, and you

didn’t want to give us “the same old stodgy news stories.” You said

Rodman was “a world-class celebrity” and it would be “irresponsible for

this newspaper . . . to ignore him.”

It would be hard to imagine a more devastating indictment of your

editorial policy than the one you wrote and printed. It not only

destroyed any future meaning for the 103 list, it was a case study of all

that’s wrong with current journalism.


West Newport Beach

Are volunteers who toil endlessly, giving of their time and efforts to

their community not worthwhile mentioning in your listing?

I would suggest Bobbie Hedrick, the volunteer who earned honors from

the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce as Volunteer of the Year for 2000.


Costa Mesa

Perhaps you should explain to your readers how you define influential

and what criteria you use to choose and rank your list of the top 103.

Once again, you’ve missed some of the truly respected and influential

people in this area. If you had really intended to include leaders who

have unselfishly contributed to the betterment of the community, you

would have recognized Jean Watt and Evelyn Hart. Both Jean and Evelyn

were major players in the success of Greenlight.

Jean Watt is the president and founder of Friends of Harbors, Beaches

and Parks. She’s also a co-founder and board member of SPON (Stop

Polluting Our Newport). If that’s not enough, she’s one of the driving

forces behind the Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach. All you

had to do was look as far as your Hall of Fame to find her name. In my

estimation, Jean Watt should be ranked with the Untouchables.

Evelyn Hart was a proponent of Measure S (Greenlight) and is a former

mayor of Newport Beach. She, too, is involved in community service with

particular regard to Hoag Hospital, youth programs and the environment.

It is quite obvious that the Daily Pilot still needs to establish a

better screening process and utilize a more adequate methodology. Your

list would then have a lot more credibility.


Costa Mesa
