
Briefly in the news

After living under leaking roofs for more than a year, a group of 91

Huntington Place residents who sued the developer of their homes won a $4

million settlement.

Homeowners alleged that J.M. Peters Co. and its parent company,

Capital Pacific Holdings of Newport Beach, used shoddy construction

methods in building its $500,000 single-family homes near Bushard Street

and Atlanta Avenue.

Problems consisted mostly of water coming into homes through windows,

sliding glass doors and roofs, said Thomas Miller, attorney for the


“There was also structural problems with the decks, water coming in

due to a lack of proper flashing and just structural problems with way

the homes were built,” Miller added.

Officials from Capital Pacific Holdings did not return calls.

The settlement, which will mean at least $30,000 for each homeowner,

was reached in an Orange County Superior Court Friday.

Homeowners can expect to see that money in less than 30 days.

Claims against two remaining subcontractors, responsible for windows

and framing, will will be heard on March 4.

During repairs residents will be inconvenienced but won’t need to be

relocated, Miller said.
