

In response to Gay Geiser-Sandoval’s column, (“Competitors compete

with the very best,” Aug. 7), we want to stress that at the Orange County

Fair we fully encourage children, as well as young adults, to do and be

their very best. That is why we offer many opportunities for children and

young adults to participate in the fair, whether it is to entertain or

compete in the many events we have open to them.

The Orange County Fair has a rich history, and part of this history is

to maintain the integrity of the fair’s various competitions and

activities. When it comes to a minor participating in a competition at

the fair, it is the job of the parent to ensure the child is entered into

the correct age group.

In the case of Geiser-Sandoval’s daughter, she was entered into a

competition that was open only to 19-year-olds and above. Had her

daughter been entered in the correct age group, she would have competed

in the teen division for ages 13 through 18. She would not have competed

against 7-year-olds as stated by Geiser-Sandoval.

The fair’s competitive exhibit entry form clearly states that the

exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regulations contained in the

Orange County Fair Competition Handbook. It is due to the fact that

Geiser-Sandoval did not abide by these rules that her daughter lost her

division-winner title. What is unfortunate is that no one took home the

division-winner title. Based on the fair’s rules and regulations, the

title was forfeited, meaning the opportunity to win was taken away from

someone that was indeed eligible to compete.

While we are sorry Geiser-Sandoval feels her daughter was unfairly

treated, we are confident the correct decision was made in regards to

this issue.

* JOAN HAMILL is the exhibit supervisor for the Orange County Fair.
