
Letter to the Editor

Daily Pilot Editor Tony Dodero’s characterization of Rep. Christopher

Cox as being “fairly neutral on the airport issue” is laughable (From The

Newsroom, “Silva’s in, but are any congressmen out?” Monday). Squarely

neutral might be more accurate, but how could anyone know?

In the years that I have been following the El Toro debate, I have yet

to see any meaningful public comment from Cox regarding his position on

the future of El Toro. If his reasons are as you suggest, “Taking a stand

. . . would send his constituents . . . into a ballot box rage,” then he

is no leader. His constituency is paralyzed with self-interest when

facing the El Toro issue and who can blame them?

Our homes are dear to us and generally are our largest investment.

Even if the facts pointed to a clear solution, residents affected by such

a solution will continue to place their self-interest before the

community’s best interest.

Please, Cox, the El Toro debate is screaming for leadership. The

position of congressman offers great visibility into facts surrounding

the El Toro debate. He should demand realistic and supportable air

transportation forecasts and realistically achievable alternatives to

accommodating such air transportation. He should review the underlying

facts, the alternatives and their impacts. If he requires additional

information, he should demand it, retrieve it, review it and opine on it.

Please do not sit on the sidelines of the El Toro issue. Cox should

not do what he thinks others want him to do. He should not do the

politically correct thing. He should do the right thing. Regardless of

where his research and opinion takes him, he should cast personal

interest aside and place his support behind the solution that is best for

his community. If his informed opinion addresses realistic air

transportation needs of our growing community and realistic alternatives

to handling such air transportation demand, then regardless of his

opinion, he will have served his constituency.


Corona del Mar
