
Letter to the Editor -- STEPHEN C. KOFFLER

A situation has occurred here in Orange County that bears importance

to the subject of the “Dumbing Down of America.”

In early June, because of contractual and rental arrangements, we lost

four theaters that showed foreign or art films. This loss represents

about a 25% decrease in screens that show films for adults rather than

the cinematic pablum that passes for entertainment on the silver screen

these days.

Surely, there are enough screens to show the movies that appeal to the

mentality of the 8- to 14-year-old mind that Hollywood has intended to

reach. But what about the considerable number of mature adults who demand

a bit more for our $8.50 admission ticket? Admittedly, attendance may be

smaller for “art” films than for slam-bang movies that are shown in the

summer and throughout most of the year. But there must be a better way to

reach us than to close 25% of the venues that show the more thoughtful


Instead of opening new or closing dilapidated old theaters, why not

designate one or two of the less popular megaplexes for the “art” crowd?

If this were publicized, I’m sure they would be successful.

There is enough violence and popcorn-selling junk available to the

public now without closing theaters for the discerning moviegoer. I hope

more of the adults who think like I do join me in expressing these

thoughts to the owners of the megaplexes in Orange County so that we can

continue to enjoy such good entertainment in the future.


Newport Beach
