
Best Bets of the Day

BARGAIN of the DAY: Every pair of shoes is $10 at Fair Shoes, except

certain Adidas brands, which are an even cheaper $7. To find this fair

footwear deal, head to the corner of Commerce Lane and Centennial Way,

next to the Carnival of Products Building.

EVENT of the DAY: A combination comedy show and race, 17-week-old baby pigs will run, jump hurdles, and be on exhibition at the All Alaskan

Racing Pig Races held in Newport Arena at 1, 3 and 7 p.m. Four pigs will

compete in each of the four races held during each show.

DISH of the DAY: Family-owned Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls makes its

22nd appearance at this year’s fair with a menu to delight the taste

buds. The gooey cinnamon rolls cost $3, but 50 cents extra for the cream

cheese icing or walnuts, and are made from scratch every day with a

specialty dough that’s a cracked wheat potato blend. Customers can even

watch the bakers make the rolls. In addition to cinnamon rolls, the stand

also sells fresh fruit smoothies and mocha freezes, both going for $4.

Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls is on Livestock Lane across from the

Equestrian Center.
