
Airport Debate

Development more likely than a Great Park

I thought I’d address the El Toro debate one more time, now that

Dennis Rodman may hopefully be disappearing into the sunset. I received a

flier from the pro-airport guys awhile ago that stated that the entire

parcel will be used for the arts, parks and technical research


Come on, are these guys trying to snooker us by saying that there will

be no commercial down-and-dirty development? If the airport doesn’t fly,

every developer and their brother will be like sharks to blood in the

water coveting a piece of the action. In fact, there is plenty of

“posturing” already.

The pro-airport group must be very ill-informed as to the

business/developer “shark mentality” in Orange County or extremely stupid

to believe that a park will be the dominant part of the big picture at

the “New El Toro.”

As soon as the airport is deemed dead and gone, developers will sweep

the pie in the sky folks away like yesterday’s trash.


Newport Beach

El Toro more than capable as airport

I watched a recent Newport Beach City Council meeting, and it looks to

me like it’s going to be a very affected area in Newport Heights from

John Wayne Airport. I think that the county government is making a very

big mistake by not making two small regional airports. I think El Toro

has more than enough room to handle an airport the size of John Wayne. It

should service those people and have a curfew. They can put the heavy

cargo on trains.


Costa Mesa

There is no reason for the new airport’s delay

A recent poll in Newport Beach indicates that 80% of the residents

polled want El Toro open and can’t understand the delay (“Survey says

residents welcome El Toro,” June 21.)

Since no one is in the noise zone at the proposed El Toro

international airport -- something we can’t say about John Wayne Airport

-- my question is very simple. Why hasn’t El Toro already been opened?


Huntington Beach

Airport activist speaks honestly about failures

Three cheers for Bonnie O’Neil (“Those who want an El Toro airport

need to fight,” June 26). It is encouraging to see someone finally speak

openly about our shortcomings in selling the El Toro airport concept and

need. Thank goodness she is on the Airport Working Group and can,

hopefully, help energize efforts in this regard.

I believe that the consultants so far have failed. The pro-El Toro

effort is way behind in spreading the message and aligning people --

across the county -- to support the airport and its vital contribution to

the future of Orange County. Instead of excuses, reactionary literature

and mailings, let’s get proactive. Time is passing, and I feel we are

falling even further behind in public support, despite the “objective”

survey recently completed by our city.

Go get ‘em, Bonnie.


Newport Beach
