
MAILBAG - June 21, 2001

I just read the article about the Endless Summer Rock ‘N’ Roll Jam

(“Still rockin’ after all these years,” June 7.)

My name is George Tomsco, (from the original Fireballs -- 1959-1963),

and I’m one of those older musicians from the 1960s.

I’ve been invited to be a guest guitarist for a few “instros” with Jon

& the Nightriders at this event. Just to let you know your article’s got

me all pumped up and excited about coming from New Mexico to be there and




New Mexico

Thanks to all who voted, worked on Measure S

I want to thank the thousands of citizens in the Huntington Beach City

School District who supported Measure S.

I know that they were working for the funds our children need to have

adequate facilities for learning, even if a minority of voters were able

to frustrate that effort.

I would also like to thank the hundreds of parents, teachers, other

school workers, students and other citizens who did more than vote.

Hundreds of people made phone calls, walked to homes, stuffed envelopes,

raised funds and others volunteered many hours of their time to help in

this effort.

I would also like to thank our consultants who got paid nothing for

this campaign, and thank you to the many donors of funds -- private

citizens and private organizations all -- who were the sole financial

support of this campaign.

I regret that the funds and the thousands of volunteer hours did not

have a better result, but I am proud to have worked with all the people

involved and, if nothing else, we linked arms in a community of interest

that can only benefit our children in the longer run.

I wish that I could thank every individual who helped us, and I will

try to get thanks to those of you that I can, but some names and lists of

volunteers have disappeared in the flurry of papers during this campaign.

To those of you whom I shall not be able to reach, you can be sure that

your efforts are no less appreciated.

On behalf of all the campaign committee members and on behalf of the

children of our district, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Campaign coordinator

Citizens for Better Elementary Schools
