
Briefly in the news

South County cities fighting Orange County’s plan for an airport at

the closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station submitted nearly 300

questions and comments about the environmental report.

The El Toro Reuse Planning Authority forwarded its comments to the

county’s airport planning office so they can be included with other

reaction to Environmental Impact Report 573. The county released a

revised version of the report in April in response to an authority

lawsuit that had challenged an earlier review.

In that case, a judge ordered that the county beef up its analysis of

the effects of increased pollution and traffic on communities surrounding

the 4,700-acre base.

In its revision, the county projected increases in carbon monoxide,

nitrogen oxide and other pollutants. Authority spokeswoman Meg Waters, in

a statement Monday, said the county has still understated the negative

effects of an airport at the base.
