
Balboa Island yacht request runs aground

Mathis Winkler

BALBOA ISLAND -- Newport Beach city officials have denied a request by

an island property owner to move an existing pier 40 feet to the east to

dock his 55-foot boat there.

Neighbors had opposed the proposal, saying the boat would block views

of Newport Harbor, as well as beach access for swimming and other water

activities. The applicant, Lodwrick M. Cook, owns houses at 1106 and 1008

S. Bay Front but does not live on the island.

Councilman Steve Bromberg, who represents the island and had expressed

concerns about the project, said Monday he felt city officials had made

the appropriate decision.

“I know that our staff has looked at this in depth,” said Bromberg,

who lives on Little Balboa Island.

He added that the decision was consistent with a 1964 City Council

policy that prohibits “new, noncommercial piers . . . unless it is in the

public interest or unless it is at such a location that is not usable for

swimming and bathing.”

City Manager Homer Bludau said city officials had based their decision

to deny the application on the policy, because Cook’s pier revision would

in effect create a new pier. He added that the letter would be sent to

Cook late Monday afternoon. Cook then has 14 days to appeal the decision

to Bludau and then to City Council members.

Island residents said they were pleased to hear about the decision.

“I think it’s wonderful,” said Pam Sigband, who lives next door to

Cook’s property and recently held a neighborhood meeting about the issue

at her house. “Because that means that the city is looking out for the

good of most of the people rather than just one family.”

But Cook, who had not heard from city officials Monday, said he still

hoped to park his boat in front of his property.

“I do feel strongly that we ought to have the right to have our boat

near our house,” he said, adding that he didn’t know whether he would

appeal the decision.

Cook said he’d still like to try and work out a compromise with island


“We obviously would like to accommodate the concerns of our

neighbors,” Cook said. “We’ll just see what’s possible. . . . We’re not

there to be disruptive.”

Sigband said she’d be willing to try to come up with a solution.

But “even though you hate to deny anyone of the pleasures of their

lives, at the same time it’s possible that it’s not the appropriate place

for the boat,” she said.

And that’s a sentiment seconded by others as well.

“I really think that a 55-foot boat is just too big for the bay

front,” said Kurt Kosek, another island resident who opposed Cook’s plan.
