

Recently, Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce staff member Doug

Stuckey and I headed to Sacramento with a group of Orange County business

leaders to lobby on behalf of business.

As our plane landed, I could already feel myself getting excited about

talking face to face with legislators about important business issues

such as workers’ compensation, important infrastructure needs and

unwarranted taxes. However, as I would soon find out, this was not to be.

Our first stop was at the California Chamber of Commerce Legislative

Conference to hear Bob Woodward, of Watergate fame, discuss the national

political landscape. But my mind still wanted to address business issues

that affect the Newport Beach business community.

After Woodward’s comments, we had the special opportunity to hear from

Gov. Gray Davis. I knew he would mention energy; however, I thought with

hundreds of business owners and chamber of commerce executives from

around the state in attendance, he would touch on some business issues.

However, once again, I would have to put my business lobbying boxing

gloves away.

The governor did give some very interesting, yet rhetorical comments

on the energy crisis. But you will all be glad to know that the governor

assured us that by 2003, we will have all the energy we need -- wait, I’m

holding my breath.

Following Davis’ address, we headed out to conquer the real important

matters on behalf of business and our community. The balance of the next

day and a half was consumed by meeting with different legislators. This

is where I would have my chance to fight for those business issues on

behalf of the business community. Well, maybe.

We split up into four teams to meet with legislators on the following


* water: long-term, stable investments including funding for the

Calfed program;

* energy: prudent planning now to help California meet its summer

energy needs;

* housing: increases in California’s housing supply to meet the needs

of a growing population and work force;

* transportation: long-term stable investments.

Although we did our best to convey our message on the above listed

issues, as well as other issues such as taxes, insurance, workers’

compensation, over-regulation and tort reform, our conversations were

consumed by the energy crisis.

Both Republicans and Democrats gave their own versions as to why the

energy crisis is here and what they are trying to do to address it.

Although there were a lot of good ideas floating around, the lack of

cohesiveness and leadership on the issues was very troubling.

Additionally, the amount of money that is being spent by the state is

mind blowing, to say the least. It is estimated that the state of

California spends more than $84 million on electricity on any given warm

day. You can do the math. If we keep spending at this rate, we will be

facing financial hardships very soon.

Even though energy prices are reportedly dropping, we are far from

being out of the energy crunch. If a heat wave hits, break out the

candles. Although we may not know for sure what the future holds, be

assured that the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce is consistently

working to keep government out of business’ pockets and off taxpayers’

backs, as well as fighting for business rights, whatever the issue may


* RICHARD LUEHRS is the president and chief executive of the Newport

Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce.
