
Police files - June 18, 2001


* Paularino Avenue: Someone complained of a prowler lurking around a

residence in the 1000 block at 3:17 a.m. Thursday.

* Rochester Street: A resident complained of receiving a number of

annoying phone calls at a home in the 100 block at 9:43 p.m. Thursday.

* Victoria Street: Police responded to a report of indecent exposure

in the 1200 block at 3:18 p.m. Thursday.

* West Wilson Street: Someone reported a residential burglary in the

700 block at 2:54 p.m. Thursday.


* Bonita Canyon Road: A motorist apparently used a vehicle to break

through the chain gate of a church parking lot and damaged some posts in

the 2000 block at 3 p.m. Thursday.

* West Coast Highway: A communications radio, valued at $250, was

reported stolen from a 1989 Bayliner boat parked at a shipyard in the

2000 block at 4 p.m. Wednesday.

* Newport Center Drive: Someone reportedly vandalized a public

restroom, spray-painting three walls with black paint, near a coffee shop

in the 400 block at 1:15 p.m. Thursday.

* Seashore Drive and Sonora Street: A resident told police that

someone apparently smashed the window of a parked car, stealing a video

camcorder and razor scooter valued about $520, at 8:30 a.m. Thursday.
