

Story by Torus Tammer, photo by Greg Fry


Literally employed


Pierce, 22, is a lead bookseller at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in

Huntington Beach. Pierce, who has been with the company for a little over

a year, said that she started as a regular bookseller and her duties

included a lot of public relations work. A diligent worker, Pierce was

soon asked to except another position.

“I started as a regular bookseller, working the information booth and

the cash register,” Pierce said. “About three months later, our manager

asked me if I would be interested in becoming a lead bookseller, and I

said yes.


As a lead bookseller, Pierce makes sure that her section is

merchandised properly. She is also responsible for teaching other

booksellers about their own sections, especially if they happen to be


“Basically, we get our own sections that we are in charge of and that

means we have to take care of and maintain them,” Pierce said. “I’m in

charge of reference, self-improvement, audio and gardening. Originally, I

also had the travel section, but gave it up because they created another

position so we [lead booksellers] wouldn’t have such a big load.”


Pierce said her workdays are flexible, with all the lead booksellers

working 40 hours a week, which she says is good, especially because she

is making arrangements for her wedding in November. Pierce adds that

thanks to her managers’ willingness to be flexible with her work hours,

she hopefully will have smooth sailing all the way to the altar, where

she will marry her high school sweetheart Michael.

“Michael is a truck driver and he hauls cars all over Southern

California,” Pierce said. “I’m lucky to have such a good job with good

hours and his work let’s him take time off if he needs it.”


Pierce, whose favorite author is Michael Criton, says that being

surrounded by books is such a perk for her because she is able to stay

current on the new releases as well as be exposed to works that she may

never have had the chance to read.

“I love to read and get a chance to do that here,” she said. “I found

a new favorite book -- ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austin, and had it

read in a day and half. I love to read and have loved it all my life.”

Pierce doesn’t know if she would like to move up to the management

level. She says she loves her job and emphasizes that it’s the best she

has ever had. Having the opportunity to see the multitude of books that

are on the market is something that keeps her enthused daily.

“Seeing how many writers there are out there is pretty remarkable,”

Pierce said. “That they keep coming up with new ways to tell stories and

stringing words together is amazing to me.”
