
Readers Respond -- Should Costa Mesa annex West Santa Ana Heights?

On April 2, the Costa Mesa City Council demonstrated its understanding

of representative government. In a 3-2 vote, (“City seeks to annex

island,” April 3) the council majority disregarded overwhelming

opposition to the annexation of the Santa Ana Heights community and

refused to release this neighborhood from its sphere of influence.

Dozens of residents spoke or showed support for the release (Monahan

stated over 90% oppose annexation by Costa Mesa), petitions have been

filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission for release, and

residents have clearly stated they will petition the local agency to

force a vote to block the annexation.

This input was ignored. The City Council majority obviously feels no

need to listen to the people directly affected by its actions. If

residents in the disputed areas needed another reason to oppose

annexation, the council’s arrogance and insulting disregard for public

opinion should be the determining factor.


Santa Ana Heights

Poor Santa Ana Heights. It must be difficult to go through an identity

crisis. Are they Costa Mesa? Are they Newport Beach? Who knows? One

identity this community does project, however, is one of superficiality.

This loud protest about being annexed by Costa Mesa seems like such a

nonissue. I mean, what’s the difference, really?

Being a part of Newport Beach won’t change much. The area won’t

magically lift up and move a couple hundred feet closer to the ocean. It

seems like such a hassle for the county of Orange and the cities of Costa

Mesa and Newport Beach to have to rearrange county plans just because

these residents want a more “prestigious” zip code. It is people like

those living in Santa Ana Heights that make Orange County look bad.

In the meantime, dear Santa Ana Heights residents, may I suggest that

you change your name until you get picked up by one of the two cities. I

mean, Santa Ana Heights? That implies to those ignorant of your location

that you are a part of Santa Ana. Do you know what Santa Ana is like?. My

goodness, it’s 10 times worse than Costa Mesa. Also, beware of referring

to yourself as unincorporated Orange County land. This might imply to

these same people that you are a part of the city of Orange. And have you

been to Orange lately? It’s nothing like Newport Beach, let me tell you.

Costa Mesa is a wonderful place to live, as is Newport Beach. Each

city possesses its own magnificence, as well as its own share of


As a proud Costa Mesa resident, I say that Newport Beach can have

these residents. I, for one, do not want people like them living in my

city. Needless to say, I’ll try to remember to wipe my feet next time I

enter Santa Ana Heights.

I would hate to track any of my Costa Mesa dirt in. From your



Costa Mesa
