
Papal performance

Angelique Flores

HUNTINGTON BEACH -- With invitations to play all over Europe, it’s no

surprise the Golden West Symphonic Band was invited to play for the pope.

During its 2001 tour, the Huntington Beach band will spend 17 days in

Europe culminating July 4 with a performance for Pope John Paul II in

Vatican City.

“It will be the highest honor,” said band director Thomas Hernandez,

known by his band as “TH.” “It will be the most phenomenal thing we’ve

ever done.”

The band may play “Amazing Grace” or “Ascension,” Hernandez said.

With 300 songs in their repertoire, the band’s versatility allows them

to play traditional concert music, religious, pop, Broadway and swing

tunes. The musicians perform winter, spring and summer concerts at Golden

West College every year, as well as at yacht and country clubs all over

the county.

“I’m excited about being able to play for someone of that worldly

religious stature,” said Randy Smith, who has already played his flute

for five presidents.

Three years ago, the band was selected as the only band ever to

perform at the International Mass in Lourdes, France for a gathering of

more than 28,000 people. The band impressed some priests during that

performance, and their encouragement got the wheels rolling toward a

performance at the Vatican.

“I was finished with tours until somebody said Vatican,” said

Hernandez who has been the band director since it was founded 35 years


For the last 28 years, the 65-member band has played across Europe,

including the British Isles, Spain, Portugal, Italy and now Greece and

Italy again.

“This is fabulous, an experience of a lifetime,” said trumpet player

Steve Speigel. The upcoming trip will be the Huntington Beach man’s first

tour with the band.

While Speigel has been with the band for two years, others have been

playing since its inception in 1966. Some even played under TH as junior

high school kids.

The group gathers its members from all over the county. This eclectic

group of talented musicians range in age from young teenagers to

retirees. A few are students, but most are professionals who by day run

local businesses, teach, practice law or work as interior designers,

computer analysts or medical technologists.

“Everyone has their own thing,” said trombone player, Ruben Hernandez,

himself a psychologist.

But even with their own thing, the band is like a family, said Ruben

Hernandez, TH’s brother. With married couples, siblings, parents and

children playing together, the whole group feels like kin when they come


“We’re feeding the souls of the audience through music,” Ruben

Hernandez said.

And what bigger soul to feed than the pope’s?

“My spirit gets lifted up by this,” the director said. “My next dream

is to play in the White House for Christmas.”

The band is seeking donations to help fund the trip. Tax-deductible

donations can be made by checks payable to the Golden West College

Foundation, noting 2001 Band Tour on the memo line. Checks can be mailed

to Golden West College, 15744 Golden West St. P.O. Box 2748, Huntington

Beach, CA 92647-2748. Information: (714) 895-8232.


The Symphonic Band Spring Concert is scheduled for March 30 and 31 at

8 p.m. at the MainStage Theater on the Golden West College campus.

Advance tickets cost $10 general admission, $8 students, children under

12, and Gold key Cardholders.

Information: (714) 895-8150.
