

I was interested to read the article on potential mold inside four

portable classrooms at Marina High School (“School checking for source of

foul odor,” Feb. 1).

The mold had apparently progressed to a state where foul odor and

fungi growth was noticeably present last spring. The culprits that may

have caused this state were identified as leaky roofs and sinks, air

conditioning units and filters and water damaged carpet.

What was not mentioned was that as the roofs leaked, water could have

more than likely penetrated wall cavities of the portables, thereby

causing yet more mold and bacteria to fester within crevices unseen.

This is the real danger of mold -- that it breeds and grows without

detection. For it to be present in classrooms where young children, who

have not fully developed their immune systems, spend a majority of the

day is indeed an alarming thought.

Mold spores, at the minimum, are known to cause headaches, lung

infections and asthma.


Huntington Beach
