
District reaches compromise with Ocean View teachers

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Angelique Flores

Teachers in the Ocean View School District are elated the district

finally gave them the raises and benefits they asked for in this year’s

contract negotiations.

Last week, the Ocean View Teachers Assn. and the district reached a

tentative agreement for a two-year contract that would give teachers a

10.96% salary increase. The agreement was ratified Tuesday.

“We were dancing in the board room and hugging each other,” said

teacher Harva Carbone, also vice president of the teachers union and a

member of the negotiating team. “I couldn’t be happier.”

Over the last 10 years, Ocean View teachers have had an average salary

increase of 2.63%, while the average increase in the county was 3.07%. In

the early stages of bargaining last fall, the district proposed a

three-year plan that would increase teachers’ salaries by 10%. But the

teachers union wanted a one-year deal with a 16% salary increase. In

October, the district was at a standstill with the teachers and a state

meditator was brought to help settle the differences.

“Both sides worked very hard,” Supt. James Tarwater said. “The

negotiations were very productive. We’re excited that we’ve reached a

tentative agreement.”

The teachers were also holding out for a longevity clause that

wouldn’t eliminate as many years of teaching at other school districts as

well as medical coverage for teachers choosing to retire between the age

of 55 and 65.

“Teachers felt they couldn’t retire because they wouldn’t have health

care,” Carbone said.

The contract is scheduled for approval by the board Feb. 20. Once

passed, teachers should see the increase in their paychecks in March.

The teachers union hopes to get all teachers above the county average.

“It tells us that we are valued,” Carbone said. “We are the backbone

of the district.”
