
MAILBAG - Jan. 11, 2001

One down (with the closing of Wards) and one to go, in the

never-ending saga to get a decent retail center in the ghost town that

was Huntington Center (“Wards’ closure may ‘breathe new life’ into mall,”

Jan. 4). Burlington can be sure, with their sabotaging of the what

appears to be a doomed proposed project there, that I will never be

darkening their doors.MARK TEMPLE

Huntington Beach

Avoid being ticketed by moving your car

Here we go again, someone complaining about getting parking tickets.

Why don’t people take responsibility to move their cars? They know what

day the sweepers come by.

In my neighborhood, in two houses, there are 10 cars that sit on the

street. The newly paved streets already have oil drips so bad it stinks.

Thanks to Huntington Beach for keeping my street clean.


Huntington Beach
