Fountain Valley resident Giovanni L. Mencini completed the Motor
Vehicle Operator course at Marine Corps Detachment at Fort Leonard Wood,
Mo. He spent more than 1,800 hours of classroom instruction and practical
application learning how to drive designated courses on and off the road.
He is a 1998 graduate of Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley . . .
Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael L. Lloyd of Huntington Beach
completed the Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit course at Naval Nuclear
Power Training Unit in Ballston Spa, N.Y. He received instructions in
nuclear theory, chemistry, physics and reactor operations. He is the son
of Jan and Rick Lloyd of Huntington Beach . . . Army Pfc. Crystal L.
Jugas of Huntington Beach participated in the joint training and
readiness exercise Phantom Lifeline 2000 based at Fort Hood in Killeen,
Texas. Phantom Lifeline is a full-scale, multi-echelon deployment that
combined Army, Marine Corps and Air Force units to complete the mission.
She is the daughter of Franklin P. Jugas of Huntington Beach . . .
Huntington Beach resident Jesse Dixon graduated from basic combat
training at Fort Knox, Ky. During the training, he received instruction
in drill and ceremonies, weapons, first aid, physical fitness and Army
history and traditions. He is the son of Kathy M. Dixon of Huntington
Beach . . . Huntington Beach resident Jeremy Vidales earned his
bachelor’s degree from the University of Oklahoma . . . Huntington Beach
residents Amanda Janesick, Marci Noel MacDonald and Claudia Rea were
chosen as semifinalists in the category of ballet for the 13th annual
Spotlight Awards competition. Tiffanie Suyavong of Fountain Valley was
chosen as a semifinalist in the category of jazz/modern dance. Past
winners include Rebecca Thompson, Omar Valenzuela, Brittany Reid, Alina
McHugh and Alex Torrico of Huntington Beach, and Edward Mikrut of
Fountain Valley.
* NEIGHBORS is news about movers and shakers in your community. To
submit information to this feature please send it to the Independent,
Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA
92648, fax it to (714) 965-7174 or e-mail it to o7 [email protected]
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